Jace Kim Studio, founded by Jace Junggyu Kim in Surrey, Vancouver, Canada, offers a variety of creative services with a focus on preparing art school portfolios for students in North America. Our personalized approach ensures that each student receives individualized attention in developing their skills in ideation, concept creation, fundamentals, and the use of digital mediums such as Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and other industry standard applications.

제이스 킴 스튜디오는 밴쿠버 써리에 위치하여 미술 관련 다양한 작업을 제공하는 화실입니다. 주된 집중점은 북미지역의 미술대학 포트폴리오 준비를 위한 지도 아트 레슨입니다. 아티스트 김정규 선생님의 지도 아래, 학생마다 개인적인 지도를 받아 아이디어 형성, 컨셉 개발, 기초, 컴퓨터 일러스트레이션과 애니메이션 기술을 배울 수 있습니다. 학생들의 개성을 존중하며, 다양한 재료와 생각을 경험할 수 있는 수업 방식을 제공합니다.  

Jace Junggyu Kim

Jace Junggyu Kim is a Canadian painter based in Surrey and Burnaby, BC. He was born and raised in Korea until the age of 15. He graduated from Emily Carr University of Art and Design with a bachelor’s degree in Media art (animation). He worked in various game and motion graphic companies as a digital artist / animator, but he made a passionate transition to become a traditional painter.

Creating most of the tension between the figurative and the abstract, his expression on canvas arises from the meeting and combination of various artistic materials; oil, acrylic, ink, spray paint, etc. An abstract chaos capable of giving rise to an emotional overlap plays as a background to the purity and refinement of the portraiture depicted with skillfully obsessive and expressive brush strokes.

He wishes to continuously transcend as a contemporary artist with his distinctive ambidextrous style and techniques. His left hand is masculine and expressive, opposing to his right that is feminine and articulated. When he paints with them simultaneously, he becomes most sensitively artistic within the struggle and harmony in the conflict.